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4 Reasons Why We Take Prayer Requests in Sacramento, CA
May 25, 2021 at 11:00 PM
Taking prayer request in Sacramento, CA

Among the benefits of worshipping together, we can share in each other’s burdens. Indeed, we are instructed in the book of Philippians to present our requests to God.

The Word reminds us not to be anxious, but to approach God with the troubles we shoulder and partake in His calming presence through Christ Jesus.

Warehouse Christian Ministries takes prayer requests in Sacramento, CA for everyone in the congregation to cast their cares and worries onto our Lord.

Looking deeper, we take prayer requests for these four reasons:

Finding help from fellow believers in the Christian community

Struggles in our lives can often put a strain on our faith. We may feel God’s presence less and less, but only because we have turned our attention away from Him.

In putting our cares before the Lord and sharing with those who will pray for us, to carry with us to the Father through prayer, we open our hearts to the Love of Christ that He has gifted to the Church.

Romans 12:15 tells us to rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep. As believers, it is our privilege to bear each others’ sorrows. And our everlasting hope in Christ strengthens us to help one another.

Within the Church, we find both spiritual solidarity and practical help with problems. God also inspires our collective efforts, as it is written: where two or three are gathered in My name, I shall be in their midst.

Experiencing Christ’s peace despite our troubles

Philippians 4:6 tells us:

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”

And verse seven:

“And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

Christ assures us that when we bring ourselves before Him, He will not judge us, nor will He condemn us. Instead, He grants us peace that transcends all understanding.

When we take our sorrows to Christ in humility, He gives us comfort. Simply with that, we find that we are better able to withstand and even solve the situations afflicting us. Prayer requests in Sacramento, CA enable us to do so easily now, especially when done online and with livestream services and in person prayer requests and cousneling with the Pastoral staff.

Reinforcing our faith through constant touch with His love

God’s love is revealed to us the more we cultivate our faith and cherish the gift of Christ. But tribulations all too often distract us from our faith, causing us to backslide.

Yet, by depending on Christ to renew our faith as we face difficult times, we realize that God’s limitless love is present even in these circumstances.

In Romans 8:31-39, the scriptures remind us that:

  • If God is for us, nothing can be against us
  • Having sacrificed His own Son, God shall graciously give us all things
  • Christ sits today at the right hand of God interceding for us
  • No trouble or hardship shall separate us from God.

Support from our pastors

When we receive prayer requests in Sacramento, CA, pastors earnestly intercede for Christ’s flock. And we take a strong interest in each congregants’ situation. As such, we can follow up to keep providing support until we reach a solution.

Congregants who prefer to feel that kind of support from leaders in the Church can receive one-on-one counsel from our pastors.

Other members of the Church wish to be anonymous. We accommodate them too.

Submit your prayer request in Sacramento, CA, and cast your cares to the Lord in fellowship

Warehouse Christian Ministries takes prayer requests in Sacramento, CA, so all believers can have access to the congregation interceding on their behalf.

We are a non-denominational church that is fully committed to serving our community, and fellowshipping together as we grow in our knowledge of Christ.

If there is a matter that is troubling you or someone you know, let us bring it before Jesus and humbly ask for his peace and intervention.

Submit your prayer request for our pastoral staff, and find spiritual solace and practical help within Christ’s body, the Church.