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How to find Christian organizations in California
August 10, 2021 at 7:00 AM
How to find Christian organizations in California

It can be hard to find the right church for you. There are Christian organizations on just about every street corner in some parts of California. Knowing what each has to say and how it feels to you can take a lot of time and reflection on your part. You can make the process easier on yourself by knowing what you should be looking for in each. At Warehouse Christian Ministries, we have some points that we believe to be useful when searching for a Christian organization to join.

Basic theology

When it comes to the basic theology of a Christian organization, take into account their view and teachings from the Bible. Churches that consider themselves Christian organizations should teach from the Bible as His Word. While some of the stories and teachings can be open to interpretation, the spirit of Christ’s teachings and the basic theology must be in line with your beliefs. It can be difficult to build your faith in an environment where you’re uncomfortable with the teachings and basic beliefs.

Community service

Serving others is the purest form of Christ’s love. Christian organizations should share Christ’s love by serving those within the congregation and those who are less fortunate. This can include providing clothing to the homeless, feeding the sick, and caring in general for those who need assistance having their basic needs met. We learned in the New Testament how Christ spent much of his ministry tending to the sick and the afflicted, so we must emulate His model as much as we can by serving others. Consider the kind of service an organization does and how it fits with your personal views.

Sense of community

One of the greatest benefits we can get by being part of a congregation is a sense of community. We can build relationships with those around us who have a similar set of beliefs. If you don’t feel welcomed or have a sense of belonging, it’s not going to be easy to get to church on Sunday. The place that you hold in the congregation is just as important as the person next to you, but it’s also important to feel that way.

Worship services

How do you feel during worship services? Many of the churches around have different formats for their worship services. Some are very low-key and emphasize a calm reverence while others feel more like a party and a celebration of the Sabbath. You must find what feels right for you. The big celebratory services aren’t for everyone because it’s not uncommon to want to feel a peaceful and calming sensation while worshipping. On the other hand, the Spirit makes some people want to stand up and dance and sing. Either way, that’s OK. Find what feels most comfortable for you.

Organizational structure

Any church you attend is going to have some sort of leadership and organizational structure. Consider how the organization is set up and who is involved. Will there be opportunities for you to serve those around you? Do you prefer to stand on the sidelines while others run the show? There are some churches where you’ll be incredibly involved in the weekly and daily operations of the church, while others will simply let you show up each Sunday and enjoy the worship services. Find out how the Christian organization is run so you can find out more about your role now and into the future.

Come see us

Visit us at Warehouse Christian Ministries to learn more about how we operate. We’ll be more than happy to introduce you to our beliefs and our Christian organization in California. If you’d like, you can also reach out to our Pastoral staff to speak with our Pastors.