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3 things to keep in mind when choosing churches in Sacramento
January 18, 2022 at 7:00 AM
3 things to keep in mind when choosing churches in Sacramento

If you don’t have a consistent church you attend each week; it’s pretty easy to find one. There are parts of town where you can find a church on just about every street corner. The challenge with choosing among churches in Sacramento is finding the one that’s right for you. At Warehouse Christian Ministries, we have some things that we believe you should keep in mind when choosing a church for you and your family.

Stay local

Getting to church every Sunday isn’t easy. You only have two days off work each week and not taking that time to go on a weekend getaway with your family so you can go to church takes a lot of self-discipline. Going to a church that requires you to drive a significant distance each Sunday will make it even harder. Try to stick with a local church in your area, so that it’s easily accessible. You’ll find that you’re much more motivated to get to your services each week when it’s a short drive than if you have to drive an hour each way. There are enough options close by that you shouldn’t have to drive far away to attend a church where you feel comfortable.

Focus on how you feel

It’s normal to “test drive” churches and give them a period of feeling out to see what it’s like to listen to the pastor as well as the peripheral activities that they host. While you’re there, pay attention to how you feel. You should feel comfortable with the format of the sermon and how it’s delivered. Are you comfortable with the doctrines and principles that the pastor preaches? How do you feel about their interpretation of the Bible and its teachings? If you’re not comfortable with a church within your first couple of visits, you can either try to acclimate or move on and look for something else.

Embrace imperfection

No church is going to be perfect. Neither are the people who run them. That’s something that’s going to be important to keep in mind when choosing a church for you and your family. Rather than shunning the imperfections of a church, embrace them as a way to grow and get involved. You can work with others in the congregation to improve how things are run. Not only will you see improvements in the function of a church, but you’ll also grow relationships with those around you as you have a personal investment in the church.

Not only is it important to remember that a church isn’t perfect, keep in mind that none of us are perfect either. Our imperfections and diversity are what make us human. We can learn and grow together through our worship of Christ to find ways to improve ourselves and those around us.

Attend our services to learn more

If you’re in search of a church in Sacramento for you and your family, come attend our services at Warehouse Christian Ministries. We can help you get familiar with our church and see how you fit in. Before you come, feel free to get acquainted with some of our core beliefs and what we teach by reading on our website. You can also get in touch with us by speaking with one of our pastors. Call us at 916-361-0861 to speak with a member of our pastoral staff. If you’d prefer, you can always send a message via our contact form or email us at

We look forward to seeing you and your family at our services.