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What are preschool Christian ministries?
August 31, 2021 at 7:00 AM
What are preschool Christian ministries?

When it comes to teaching kids about Christ, it’s important to start young. The earlier we can start teaching them about God and His great works, the better understanding they’ll have as they grow older. This can include reading the Bible with them, teaching them songs, or using objects to teach lessons. At Warehouse Christian Ministries, we offer preschool Christian ministries to help teach the children in our congregation of God’s goodness and how we can worship Him. If you’re not familiar with preschool ministries, read more to learn about what it is and why it’s a great place for children to learn.

A place to play

Little children learn as they play. It’s a part of their growth and development as they explore the space around them, how their body moves, and discover toys that bring new concepts. At our preschool ministry, your child will have a place to do just this. They’ll learn about God as they play with their peers and learn to interact with others. Some of the toys that have been integrated into the play area are also Bible-themed so they can provide a physical example of the stories that are taught in the preschool ministry.

A place to learn

Through Bible storytime and songs, your children will be taught about how God has interacted with His children through the millennia. Our teachers offer interactive Bible story learning as a class. By using music, art, and interactive lessons, your child will be taught about God’s Word at a level that is appropriate for their age. By teaching young children about the glory of God, we can help them develop an interest in His teachings and the Word as they continue to grow.

A place for nurture

A big part of teaching children about God’s love is by showing it. Teachers in the preschool ministry are taught to care for the children and nurture them as they learn to understand and accept God. It’s our job to create a safe environment that fosters learning and spiritual growth. While our teaching is focused on the children, we want to make sure that you’re comfortable with where they are so you can focus on what you need to learn with each service.

A place to connect

While it’s important to make a spiritual connection with the service you choose to attend, a social connection is another part that can keep you coming back each week. This is often the first connection that children make when they first come to a preschool ministry. They love to laugh and play with other kids their age as they connect with those around them. These friendships can last for many years as children grow in spirituality together and learn that they’re brothers and sisters in Christ.

Come worship with us

Learn more about our preschool Christian ministries by joining us for our services. At Warehouse Christian Ministries, we offer care for children from infants to five years old. If you have any questions about what exactly we teach in our preschool ministries or what all it entails, speak with our pastoral staff by calling 916-361-0861 or send an email to our coordinator, Dauna, at We’re here to help you and your family grow closer to Christ through our ministries and this includes your small children.